After the summit of the vape, 6 points of consensus between the associations should encourage smokers to use this alternative to tobacco.
the 1st summit of vaping organized this Monday in Paris brought together scientists, politicians, 9 associations (1), health authorities, and e-cigarette users. All were there to discuss together the best way to promote the rise in the use of electronic cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco among smokers and to minimize the potential negative effects.
And 48 hours after the end of the round tables, a first consensus emerges between the different parties present that day (Federation Addiction, Aiduce, FIVAPE, etc.) Unveiled on Twitter by Prof. Bertrand Dautzenberg, one of the organizers, six There is now unanimous support for encouraging smokers to use this innovative alternative to tobacco. Here is the final version of the text.
The keys to success in quitting smoking
“1. In normal use, the emissions of the vape have a composition at least 20 times less toxic than tobacco smoke.
2. Vape products including liquids are currently classified as consumer products. Standards currently exist. These quality requirements (AFNOR or other equivalent requirements) should reassure smokers wishing to find an alternative to smoking.
3. Vape has certainly enabled many smokers to quit smoking or significantly reduce their tobacco consumption.
4. The use of aromas, the right dose of nicotine and the right equipment for each smoker are the keys to success in replacing tobacco with vaping.
5. The e-cigarette appears among adolescents more as a competitor of tobacco than as an initiation product and fears of seeing it as a massive gateway to smoking faded in 2016; vigilance remains however required (2016 data from Paris Sans Tabac).
6. Long-term follow-up consumer cohort studies are needed to confirm the benefits of personal vaporizer ”.
Three subjects still under debate
But after the points of agreement remain the subjects which annoy with three points still under discussion. They are mainly linked to the place of the product in society:
“7. Vapers and many health professionals are asking for a strong and clear signal from health authorities.
8. Direct and indirect tobacco advertising is unanimously disavowed. A possible ban on generalized advertising of vaping products including shops is also mostly disavowed.
9. The regulation of vaping in public and work places appears to be the least consensual point, even if everyone recognizes the absence or almost absence of health risk. However, the obligation to have vaping spaces in workplaces proposed by the government was rejected by parliamentarians. This provision must be reintroduced into the Health Act as a possible option, but without compulsory nature ”.
(1) SOS ADDICTIONS, Fédération Addiction, Fédération Française d’Addictologie (and Oppelia), Aiduce, RESPADD, Tabac et Liberté, Actions Addictions, ANPAA