Lips: we treat and we redraw
These small wrinkles located on the upper contour do their best to scare away the lipstick. And smokers are the most affected because, with each puff of a cigarette, the wrinkling increases…
The good treating reflex
In addition to quitting smoking, you must first regularly erase the particularly thin area around the lips to stimulate it. Then, it is important to apply an anti-aging treatment, the same as for the face or even a special lip product. To prevent the lipstick from migrating, precisely define the contour of the mouth using a natural or tone-on-tone pencil: this will create an “anti-leak” barrier. Finally, bet on a lipstick with a moisturizing texture, but which stays on well , if necessary a “long hold”, but above all not too dry. Better to avoid, on the other hand, glosses and compositions that are too rich, more likely to spread!
Lips: we plump and illuminate
Either it’s their morphology (your lips have always been like that!), or they have thinned over time. The thing is, you wish they were fuller…even if the thicker mouths of the 90s are thankfully completely out of fashion!
The good treating reflex
To create an illusion, first apply a special mouth care, overflowing largely on the contour. Then, do a little gym by pinching the outline of the lips between the thumb and the index finger, five times in a row. As if to “re-hem” the drawing. Then, you can easily play on a trompe-l’oeil effect to virtually increase the volume. With the contour pencil, go slightly outside the natural edge (without going too far, either!) to enlarge the lip. Then, apply your lipstick, on which a touch of gloss will curl up to give shine and luminosity. Dark colors (brown, burgundy) are not recommended, as they tend to shrink. Prefer brighter shades, such as rosewoods and corals.
Lips: exfoliate and moisturize
First thing to do, exfoliate with a face balm. Very gently, without pulling on the small skins. This smoothes, stimulates the mucous membranes and prepares for hydration.
The good treating reflex
We exfoliate every two or three days, especially in case of intense dryness. Then, we apply repairing and nourishing sticks.
Also try our softening mask (the recipe is 100% natural) to hydrate your lips to the maximum:
Summer or winter, when your lips start to dry out, take the lead and apply this mixture:
1 tsp of honey (antiseptic, softening and regenerating);
1 tsp of cornflower floral water (anti-inflammatory and decongestant);
10 drops of sweet almond oil (regenerating and softening).
Keep this preparation in a cool jar, and massage your lips with it morning and evening.
Softer, silkier our good cheat sheets!
Even “those who never wear makeup” are forced to pay a minimum of attention to their lips. Otherwise, they pull, chap, crack, and can be the seat of infections. Why ? Because these mucous membranes are covered with an ultra thin skin, devoid of this marvelous lubricant which protects the rest of the body, the sebum.
Use and abuse balms. To provide the mouth with the protections it does not know how to manufacture: beeswax, vitamins A, E, glycerin… All these active ingredients are used in the composition of balms. In other words, fatty substances that soften and protect, moisturizing active ingredients that prevent drying out, and vitamins that heal. Effective? It is still necessary to apply them at least ten times a day, throughout the winter. Outside, but also in the office, where the air is sometimes drier. The ideal? Buy two at once, so you always have one with you and the other at home.
Are your lips always dry? Are you sure you are drinking enough, because the slightest water restriction can be seen and felt on this delicate skin. The secrets to being sure to hydrate them well?
– Drink without ever waiting to be thirsty, i.e. a liter and a half of water, between meals.
– Sleep, if possible, without heating, and install one or more water saturators in the bedroom.
– Apply lip balm before bed.
– Prefer shiny lipsticks, “gloss” type, to matte reds, worse… long-lasting.