If I put on sunscreen, do I still make vitamin D?
Suzan Tuinier, nutritionist
If you use sunscreen, your skin can make less vitamin D. Sunscreen protects you from harmful UV-B radiation. But it is exactly the same UV-B radiation from which your skin makes vitamin D. So it is also not good to get no sunlight on your skin at all.
But there is of course a big difference between no sun at all and a lot of sun, and you do not need more than half an hour of sun for your daily dose of vitamin D. Therefore, on sunny days between twelve and three hours, do not go out in the full sun for a long time and do use sunscreen.
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Suzan Tuinier is a nutritionist and coordinator of the Vitamin Information Bureau. She has experience as a nutrition educator and researcher. You can contact Suzan with questions about vitamins and minerals.