Eight out of ten French people (82%), interviewed by Odoxa for the Health Profession Group, would like public authorities to intervene to regulate the distribution of liberal doctors in France. According to the report, published by theAFP this Monday, March 25, 65% of doctors are on the contrary opposed to it. Half of the respondents, both individuals and health professionals, agree on one point: “We must both devote more money to health and at the same time hunt down unnecessary acts and expenses”.
For the maintenance of local health structures
In total, 1,001 people over the age of 18 and representative of the population, as well as 3,366 doctors, pharmacists, nurses, nursing auxiliaries and midwives were questioned between February and March. Thus, 45% of French people believe that “Health insurance should reimburse more”while 53% caregivers believe that it “should be more selective in the care it reimburses”.
And while medical deserts are spreading in the country, 48% of respondents and 28% of health professionals want all local medical structures to be maintained (hospitals, clinics, including those with low activity), “but without creating new ones”. New local establishments want to be opened by respectively 35% and 32% of them.
An “insufficient” place for health
About the health bill, currently under consideration in Parliament, half of professionals (54%) say they are opposed to the creation of 4,000 medical assistant positions. However, they approve of the labeling of 500 local hospitals at 64%, as well as the end of the numerus clausus for medical students at 67%.
Finally, on the subject of the great national debate, seven out of ten French people (70%) and more than half of health professionals (55%) declare that it will not lead to “useful measures for the country”. They also consider, one out of two French people (51%) compared to eight out of ten health professionals (82%), that one place “insufficient” was given to health during the discussions.
Read also :
- Medical deserts: the government unveils its fight plan
- 167,000 French women live in an obstetric desert