When we talk about profiling, balance sheet, audit, tests, we imagine a researcher of serial killers, or a headhunter of big bosses of the CAC 40. And if we applied these terms and techniques to live better? A nutritional audit and a digestive profile can help us get to know ourselves better, to eat properly, choose the foods that are right for us and get you “down on the ground” on the road to health. Florence Cartier, naturopath and energy specialist in Haÿ-les-Roses and Bourg-la-Reine (92), puts us on the path.
Because nutrition is an extremely complex science, it involves more than just counting calories consumed or the need to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day.
What type of food do I eat (organic, homemade, prepared meals, restaurant …)? How much and at what time of the day? Do I consume enough fats and which ones, proteins …? Am I not consuming too many sweet products? How do I consume them and do I notice any digestive discomfort after meals (gas, diarrhea, burns, bloating …)?
It is from a very thorough questionnaire and a personalized interview that Florence Cartier, offers a nutritional audit intended to outline your digestive, metabolic and dietary profile.
Rather vâta or rather kapha? Harvester version or hunter version?
The nutritional audit practiced by Florence Cartier, is a term proposed and developed by Taty Lauwers, nutritionist author of numerous books and topos on the therapeutic impact of a healthy and personalized diet. After a “history” tracing your medical and behavioral history from childhood, you will determine which Ayurvedic type you are in excess of: Vâta (air, movement), Pitta (fire and metabolism) or Kapha (earth, the structure) ? This is ayurvedic highlights these elements, called doshas, in excess which will be rebalanced by food. ” A predominantly Vâta profile will require slow cooking foods, stews, while a Kapha trend will happily take advantage of raw foods. ” according to naturopath.
Your blood group is also part of this profile: the A’s will rather be replenished thanks to plants while the O’s will be able to draw their energy better from proteins, for example. Then it will be necessary to determine how your body behaves in relation to such or such food, in short if you are more a gatherer or a hunter like our ancestors the paleo-gourmets.
For example the hunter digests quickly, he oxidizes food quickly, he will need dense food: beef, lamb, duck, aubergine, mushroom, bean. The picker digests more slowly, he will need light foods like other vegetables, poultry, fish.
General rules
This nutritional audit, in the form of a complete assessment of your physiology, will allow you to identify the strong and weak points of your metabolism and to correct the disorders whatever their origin (stress, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, allergies, poor digestion, poor functioning of the liver, etc.). ” The general idea is obviously to favor the most “raw” products possible, oatmeal or brown rice for example, and to avoid at all costs white sugar which does not nourish and only provides calories. , which will be replaced by rapadura (whole cane sugar) for example ” precise Florence Cartier.
A French breakfast with sweet coffee, bread, butter and jam is already the beginning of a disaster, according to her. ” Following the supply of sugar in the body, the pancreas will be forced to release insulin into the blood to bring the body back to a normal blood sugar level. But since the dose will be too high, after a few hours the person will be fine. hypoglycemia (fatigue, headaches) and will need sugar again … “.
If, on the contrary, we take an English breakfast with a piece of sourdough bread, butter, ham, cheese or a boiled egg, we will not have this hypoglycemia crisis at all. The hunter will add a coffee, the picker will prefer a tea, herbal tea or long coffee. And they will especially avoid orange juice, sour and sweet.
Completely complete …
Florence Cartier adds little-known information: “ Whole foods should be preferred, but beware of phytic acid present in the husk of cereal seeds. It blocks the absorption of trace elements and minerals. To destroy this acid in brown rice, for example, she recommends soaking it for 2 to 3 hours in lemon water before cooking it. And for wholemeal bread, make sure it’s baked in sourdough at your baker, otherwise buy it in an organic store. ” There are very few people who are gluten intolerant, but many with yeast! »She concludes.
Sylvie mahenc