And because of their pain, three out of five patients feel relatively or extremely anxious or depressed. This is the first survey that also accurately assesses the effects of pain on the lives of patients over a year and in 13 European countries.
The management of pain and the side effects associated with its treatment are still to be improved, according to this European survey. Also note the mention of side effects related to the treatment. These figures are based on the preliminary results of the survey, initiated on the occasion of the European Pain Week, organized once a year, launched in October 2001. Objective: to make the general public and healthcare professionals aware of this pain. question.
“Painstory” studied the case of patients with graduated pain (ranging from mild to very severe) over a year. The research conducted by Ipsos concerns 13 countries in Europe: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, Spain … It was carried out in four stages, from April to March (on the basis of qualitative questionnaires) .