Unloved, the lens is nevertheless full of virtues. Rich in fiber, it promotes intestinal transit and digestion; rich in vegetable proteins, it limits the risk of cardiovascular disease.
This food from the legume family is also a good source of iron and magnesium (to fight against stress and fatigue) but also of copper, phosphorus, zinc and manganese as well as group B vitamins and particularly vitamin B9, essential for mood and serenity.
According to a news from the University of Guelph (in Canada), replacing half a portion of rice or potatoes with lentils would lower blood sugar (i.e. the level of sugar present in blood) by about 20%.
Lentils: a low glycemic index
Published in the specialized journal Journal of Nutrition, this study was conducted on 24 Canadian adults: they were divided into 4 groups and tasted 4 different dishes – a portion of white rice, a half-portion of white rice with green lentils (type green lentil from Puy ), half a portion of white rice with coral lentils and a half portion of white rice with traditional lentils. The same experiment was conducted with potatoes.
The blood sugar levels of the volunteers were measured before the meal and 2 hours after the meal. Verdict: just replace half a serving of starchy foods with lentils to see a significant drop in blood sugar levels!
“With a low glycemic index (unlike white rice and potatoes), lentils don’t cause blood sugar to spike, which is good for both your figure and your health. » Tip noted!
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An NGO calls for the withdrawal of coral lenses contaminated with hydrocarbons
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