Aug 24, 1998 – Dean Ornish, director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, Calif., Was the physician who demonstrated in the early 1990s that the course of cardiovascular disease can be reversed by changes in diet. This study made him famous and he even became a consultant to the White House.
This time around, he decided to find out if his diet could help men with prostate cancer. The study will focus on men who will follow conventional cancer therapy in addition to committing to their diet for a year. The control group will be made up of men who will only follow conventional therapy.
Dr. Ornish’s program consists of a near-vegetarian diet consisting of a maximum of 10% calories from animal fat, one hour daily of stress reduction techniques, such as yoga, and three hours per day. week of low or medium intensity exercise. The men will also meet for one hour a week in a focus group to talk about what they are going through. The results of the study will be available within a year.
More information can be obtained from the Preventive Medecine Research Institute at (415) 332-2525.