As every week, Prime Minister Jean Castex takes stock of the epidemic situation and the measures put in place to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic in France. Here is the main information to remember from the stage of this Thursday, January 7, 2021.
All establishments closed will continue to be closed
While the situation in France “ is far from being back to normal “, Jean Castex declared during his progress report on January 7, 2021, that” the level of contamination remains high and has been increasing since mid-December, going from 10,000 to 15,000 daily cases “. This is why all the places which are closed today (such as museums, cinemas, theaters, leisure facilities and sports halls) will remain closed at least until the end of January as mentioned by the Prime Minister ” we had set a review point at the beginning of January (…) the health situation does not allow us any change “. The conditions for reopening places of culture in early February will be the subject of a point on January 20.
Bars, restaurants and ski resorts closed until February
The same goes for restaurants and bars, which will have to remain closed until mid-February. With regard to ski resorts, Jean Castex sets an “opening objective at the beginning of February” for the school holidays, “ but it would be premature to make a decision today, given the uncertainties that remain », He clarified.
Extension of the curfew
” Also until January 20, we are extending the curfew regime to 8 p.m. », Announced the Prime Minister. Ten departments could even join the list of 15 territories already affected by a curfew from 6 p.m. starting this Sunday, January 10, 2021. Decisions that will be taken by the prefects and local elected officials on Friday, January 8.
Border with UK remains closed until further notice
As France faces the appearance of the variant of the coronavirus identified in the United Kingdom on its territory, the Prime Minister announced that the border with the United Kingdom will remain closed “ until further notice “Specifying that” people authorized to travel must present a negative test when entering our territory “.
Simplified work stoppages
Regarding the work stoppages relating to Covid-19, the Prime Minister announced their simplification. ” From January 10, as soon as you have symptoms or you are in contact, it will suffice to register on the Health Insurance website to obtain an immediate work stoppage, compensated and without a waiting day. »Said Jean Castex. Also and from January 20, each positive person will be offered a home visit by a nurse.
Adjustment of the vaccination plan
Following criticism of the slowness of the French vaccination plan, the Prime Minister announced that the vaccination process ” will be lighter for less fragile people “. At the same time, Jean Castex announced the expansion of the vaccination plan for disabled people housed in specialized establishments. Likewise, vaccination for over 75s will be open from January 18 in vaccination centers. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran specified that for this segment of the population, it will be possible to make an appointment from January 14 via a telephone number which will be communicated soon or from the Sante.fr site.