Vaccination against Covid-19 is ongoing: at present, around 13 million French people (i.e. 19.2% of the population) are fully vaccinated against infection by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Nevertheless: the side effects of vaccines against Covid-19 are worrying, and (according to a survey recently published by the Carenity platform) around 76% of chronically ill people fear the possible consequences of vaccination on the evolution of their pathology.
Good news : according to a study carried out by the Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine (in the United States), vaccines against Covid-19 would be both effective and safe for patients suffering from cancer.
Covid-19 vaccine and cancers: adverse effects are not more severe
American researchers worked with a group of 200 volunteers with cancer. First info: they discovered that on average, 94% of patients developed antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus after vaccination.
This rate was slightly lower in patients with hematological cancers (such as acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic syndromes) since it only reached around 85%; it was also lower in patients receiving certain immunosuppressive treatments (70%) or having received a bone marrow transplant (74%).
Second info: as explained by the researchers (who published their work in the specialized journal Cancer-Cell), “the side effects observed in the participants were not more severe than those experienced by the general population: no patient among the volunteers of the study was hospitalized after receiving their vaccine against Covid-19“. This is reassuring!
According the official website of the Ministry of Healthsince April 30, 2021, patients suffering from cancer or hematological malignancies are eligible for vaccination against Covid-19 with the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines.
Read also :
- Guardian angel: an application for chronic inflammatory diseases
- Coronavirus: is there a “genetic key” in some patients?
- Covid vaccination certificate: it is available on Ameli