With the increase in circulation of the English, South African and Californian variants, many people have not only ditched cloth masks, but have also abandoned the FFP1 mask in favor of FFP2 (so-called “duck-billed” masks. ). Because even if the wearing this type of mask is more restrictive compared to surgical masks (thermal discomfort, respiratory resistance), clike explains the INRS on its website, these masks protect those who wear them against inhalation at a time droplets and of airborne particles. While the FFP1 do not protect against inhalation of very small airborne particles.
This is why the president of the PACA region had FFP2 masks delivered to the municipalities of the Maritime Alps most affected by the virus.
What is the difference between the FFP11 and FFP22 masks?
First, let us remember that FFP means: filtering facepiece, or in French “filtering facepiece”. There are three types, which depending on the number do not filter with the same intensity:
- FFP1 masks filter at least 80% of aerosols with an average size of 0.6 µm (total inward leakage <22%).
- FFP2 masks filter at least 94% of mid-size aerosols 0.6 µm (total inward leakage <8%).
- FFP3 masks filter at least 99% of aerosols with an average size of 0.6 µm (total inward leakage <2%).
Long reserved for caregivers, FFP2 masks are now available in pharmacies or supermarkets for the general public. But they are sold between 0.5 cents and 1 euros per unit, up to 10 times more expensive than surgical masks.
This is why the American Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends instead wearing two masks on top of each other: a surgical mask on the face on which a sheet mask is placed. This combination would allow obtain 92.5% protection against aerosols.
And the FFP2 masks with valves?
FFP2 valve masks (often sold in DIY stores) are designed to be more comfortable to wear because they are more breathable. When you inhale, the valve is closed to filter what comes in from the outside, and it opens when you breathe out. In theory, masks are more likely to be worn by people who do not have covid-19. Because if the wearer of the mask is contaminated by the virus (by having symptoms or by being a healthy carrier, it doesn’t matter) the air which emerges from the mask valve is indeed carrying the virus. And therefore dangerous for the person opposite.
Remember that wearing a mask does not exempt from barrier gestures! Whether or not it is equipped with a mask, you must keep the safety distance of at least one meter, and ideally push it to 2 meters.
Read also :
- Covid-19: which are the 20 most affected departments?
- What is the zero-covid strategy?
- Covid-19 vaccine: general practitioners start to vaccinate