As the coronavirus epidemic continues to progress and collective anxiety begins to take hold in France, clinical psychologist Aline Nativel Id Hammou, specialist in the field of children, adolescents and the family, explains to us how in talk with the children.
With 92,000 people infected worldwide and 3,200 dead, the coronavirus epidemic, born in the Wuhan market in China, has been the backdrop of our daily lives for more than two months. Faced with the resurgence of cases in France, a collective anxiety is slowly being felt and a climate of mistrust seems to have set in.
In such an anxiety-provoking context, a question arises: how to broach the subject with children in order to raise their awareness without frightening them? “You have to speak the truth”answers us the clinical psychologist Aline Nativel Id Hammou, specialist in the field of children, adolescents and familiesand author of The mental burden of children (Ed.Larousse). “Children see that adults have new gestures and give them new recommendations (avoid contact, don’t kiss, don’t touch, etc.).
Explaining the coronavirus in a fun way
The ideal, she advises, is to start from what the child knows: “Have you ever heard of the coronavirus at school, judo, or the leisure center? The children discuss among themselves, repeat what they hear and wonder about the behavior of adults. “You really have to answer all the questions, even those that evoke death, in particular to reduce the negative imagination”. Avoiding the child’s questions forces him to imagine the answers, to interpret everything, to expect the worst. “You have to dare to say things even if the questions are incongruous”advises Aline Nativel Id Hammou.
To do this, it is best to use “simple and clear language” with drawings, color, or even a story: “IIt is about King Virus who wants to conquer all countries, he is good in the human body…” You have to bring a playful side to capture their attention, talk about the symptoms and reassure them: “Do not hesitate to tell me if your nose runs a little harder or if you are hotter than usual… Anyway, if you fall ill, you will be accompanied, we will take care of you”.
Awaken a social conscience
Adults can also teach children preventive actions, such as sneezing into their elbow, while playing. “Talking to children about symptoms and preventive measures teaches them the importance of taking care of themselves and others, they will awaken a form of social awareness and empathy towards others..”
Similarly, the adult can explain to him why some people wear gloves or masks, so that he is not surprised. “We can also tell him that yes, we can die, but that until then the elderly, even very old and/or already sick are the most vulnerable. You have to tell the truth in the simplest way possible, because they can hear it elsewhere”. The psychologist also recommends customizing bottles of hydroalcoholic gel or masks to ease tension.
Since the start of the epidemic, a form of racism has emerged and the stigmatization of Chinese and Italian children is felt in the playgrounds. “Some children associate the virus with a facies, which often comes from the parents”, explains Aline Nativel Id Hammou. The adult can therefore address this subject and reassure the child so that he does not discriminate against his classmates, in particular by explaining to him that if the virus was indeed born in China, not all Chinese living in France are naturally infected.