To deal with the deteriorating health situation in France, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced aid of 2.5 million euros for health establishments. How is this sum distributed?
Why such a budget envelope?
To begin with, Olivier Véran notes that “we are now facing a second wave that affects our entire territory. Its financial impact is difficult to estimate but it will not be sustainable within the framework of Ondam at its current level “. Ondam is the National Health Insurance Spending Target. This tool is therefore intended to control Medicare expenses and not exceed the budget set annually. However, the ceiling is not fixed, that is to say it can be exceeded, at the bottom of the need. It mainly includes expenditure for city care (including drugs), health establishments and medico-social establishments and services. To take care of Covid-19 patients, the government will introduce “par amendment […] a prudential provision of two billion euros additional, which will be added to the Social Security financing bill, in order to ensure that health establishments can cover the additional costs and loss of revenue suffered in the coming weeks “. The amount of ONDAM in 2019 was 200 billion euros.
Concretely, who benefits from it?
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 was held a National Assembly during which the Minister of Health allocated an additional budget to help hospitals and nursing staff. The ARS (regional health agencies) are responsible for managing these 2.5 million euros. This envelope is in addition to the 10 billion undam increase already planned for 2020. No less than 50 million euros are intended for “open 4,000 beds on demand from 2020 in our hospitals”. The budget is also intended for nursing staff, to enhance their salary and overvalue the overtime worked during the health crisis.