Indeed, 60.5% of French people affected by diets cook regularly and the first reason given is:
– (65.2%) is the fact of making family and friends happy, just ahead of pleasure (57.3%) and the consumption of balanced and healthy meals (51.2%).
Among those who do not cook regularly, 50.3% say that ready-made meals are much more practical and 49.6% come home too late from work or do not have time to cook.
However, sharing meals and good food traditionally remain important elements of the daily life of the French, both in terms of pleasure: 89.8% state that it is necessary to know how to have fun from time to time and 86, 6% that food should create an atmosphere of
conviviality with family or friends, but also in terms of health benefits. Thus, for 91.3% of French respondents, it is important to eat a balanced diet and 89.1% say that eating well is very important for health.