“Today we have a health problem that affects our children and adolescents, which is added to the epidemic”, declared the President of the Republic, visiting this Wednesday at the University Hospital of Reims. And this one to announce the establishment of a package of 10 prepaid sessions with a psychologist for children whose mental health is affected by the Covid-19 crisis. This care will begin at the end of May and will be accessible to children and adolescents between 3 and 17 years old, on medical prescription from a general practitioner.
Because if confinement remains a brake to curb the virus, isolation can potentially be responsible for psychological consequences – stress, anger, even a feeling of distress. As a couple, as a family or even alone, the first tensions appear!
If adults can still “pass the time” thanks to teleworking, sports or even creative activities, children are (a little) forgotten.
It can be useful : last March, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta (in the United States) posted a series of small fact sheets online to help parents identify the first signs of psychological suffering in children and children. teenagers. Here are the warning signs that should not be ignored:
- The young child is irritable: he cries and cries more,
- The child regresses in his achievements: we can notably witness the return of “bedwetting”,
- The child or adolescent isolates himself and / or worries disproportionately,
- The child or adolescent sleeps and / or eats poorly: unusual bedtime and / or waking up, longer or shorter sleep, snacking, small appetite …
- The adolescent is irritable, susceptible and / or impulsive,
- The child or adolescent loses interest in activities previously enjoyed,
- The child or adolescent complains of headaches, stomach aches, joint and / or muscle pain,
- The adolescent smokes and / or drinks more.
Confinement: my child is (maybe) in pain, what to do?
To reassure your child or adolescent, here are a few tips:
- Take the time to talk about the Covid-19 coronavirus with your children, even the youngest. Answer questions with facts, avoid as much as possible propagating “we say”: also avoid communicating your own fear.
- Remind her children and adolescents that they are in a safe place despite confinement: explain to them that they have the right to be afraid and to feel stressed.
- Limit exposure to 24-hour news channels that fuel psychosis all day long. Also limit social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat …) for children and adolescents.
- Structure the day around a family schedule – concrete, if possible: a magnetic sheet on the fridge, a to-do list on a whiteboard … Define “moments” during the day: homework time, household time, play time, discussion time …
- Strive to be a role model for your children: do not panic yourself, be careful not to raise your voice, save your reproaches for later, respect the schedule of the day …
- Promote physical activity: play in the garden, let off steam to a song, do a workout with the family or alone …
- Maintain contact with family members: make time for discussion all together, but also phone grandparents, exchange text messages with cousins …
Atlanta Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Read also :
- Coronavirus (Covid-19): how to treat yourself?
- Screening test: for whom?