Standard condoms in the United States would be too big for the majority of men and cause discomfort responsible for losing love for that little piece of rubber. To revive the use of the “condom”, American companies and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have found the solution: to offer smaller sizes as is already the case in Europe.
Americans are finally admitting that their condoms are too big. Models approved there have a length of between 17 and 21 cm and a circumference of 9.9 to 11.4 cm. These figures seem far from those recorded by a study in 2014, on the (declarative) size of American penises: on average 14.2 cm for the length and 12.2 cm for the erect circumference. Result: 83% of Americans are “smaller” than standard sizes.
According to the New York Times, the resulting excess rubber would impact comfort, when the corkscrew material, and cause disastrous frustration when the smaller model turns out to be too large.
60 different condom sizes
A company has therefore rushed into the breach, and now offers a range of more than 60 condoms (10 lengths and 9 circumferences). The stated goal is to restore comfort and confidence to men. For the American authorities, the objective is above all to relaunch this tool for contraception and protection against sexually transmitted diseases. In fact, only 1 in 3 Americans use it.
In Europe, the adaptation of condom sizes by manufacturers has already been in place for several years.
Locker room syndrome
Many men suffer from what is called “the infamous locker room syndrome”. A size problem, which causes 12% of men to be unhappy with the size of their penis, and some of them to resort to lengthening procedures.
If we look at it factually, the norm is 9/10 cm at rest and 12.8 / 14.5 cm in erection. However, what is called micropenis (below 7 cm) affects only one percent of men. A group complex favored by the generalization of porn movies?
Anecdotes …
Out of 25 European countries, the French are in the lead, the Italians 5e, the later Greeks, according to the declarative sizes of the men questioned.
In our mammalian friends, the erection is about 3.2 cm for the gorilla, 7.6 cm for the chimpanzee. On the other hand, our cousins have relationships that last longer and in sometimes acrobatic positions.
Finally, as said the legendary Frédéric Dard: the penis is the lightest organ of all, because it only takes a thought to lift it …