Seeking to reduce your daily intake and reasoning only in terms of calories is a bad idea, underlines Dr Rapoport, nutritionist. We risk paying dearly for the slightest deviation, with an organization used to operating with little. Each excess will be stored at the earliest opportunity. Combining nutrients allows you to bypass this excessive calorie reduction and indulge yourself (glass of wine, chocolate …) without storing and maintaining a stable weight.
Proteins + vegetables
This association makes up a meal naturally “Low GI” (glycemic index), satiety thanks to proteins, balanced while being hearty. TO?? this type of light meal, you can add dairy products, which also provide some protein and a small amount of sugars. You can finish with a square of chocolate for the gourmet touch.
Slimming: 7 low GI pasta recipes to keep weight off
Starches + vegetables
Starches are sugars. It is therefore they who are most likely to spike blood sugar and trigger insulin and storage.
The solution: add them fibers, in the form of vegetables: thus, with pasta, it is better to have sautéed vegetables than a hamburger! We can
moreover consider that starches and assimilated (legumes, cereals, etc.) represent the center of the meal: no need for extra protein. A perfect mix for the vegetarians and vegetarians. To conclude this meal, we prefer fruit (more fiber) and we can even treat ourselves to a small glass of wine, for the pleasure touch.
We stock up on healthy vegetables
The duo to avoid
Starches + protein
The problem with this meal is that there is no fiber to lower the general GI and therefore to avoid hyperglycemia and significant release of insulin, responsible for weight gain. This is the association to be avoided as much as possible.
Slimming: all you need to know about hunger
Read also:
Adopting a balanced diet is not that complicated!
Eat better to live longer in good health
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