The price of complementary health insurance has increased by 4.3% this year. This is what the UFC-Que Choisir denounces in an article published on January 21, 2021. According to the consumers’ association, this median inflation is “difficult to justify”. Passeport Santé tells you more.
Median inflation of 4.3%
While in 2019, there was an increase of 4% in contributions and 5% in 2020, the year 2021 is already marked by an increase in the price of complementary health insurance by 4.3%. To achieve this, the UFC-Que Choisir launched a call for testimony which enabled it to recover 623 individual contracts, from 123 different complementary organizations. The analysis of these files made it possible to highlight a median inflation of health insurance of 4.3% in 2021, “sis three times more than the increase in the purchasing power of the French hoped for this year »Explains the consumers association. According to her, this increase corresponds to a median annual additional cost of 79 euros and which can even exceed 200 euros for nearly one in five insured.
A disparity in practices between organizations that is difficult to justify
When analyzing the contracts, the UFC-Que Choisir identified a great disparity in practices between the various complementary health organizations. To give an idea, a median inflation ranging from 0 to 8.5% was observed on the 17 organisms studied. For example, when Muta Santé, Pro BTP, Mutuelle Générale and MNH increased their rates by less than 3%, Adrea Mutuelle, Klesia, Swiss Life and Malakoff Humanis approached or exceeded 7%. median inflation. According to the Consumers Association: “ everything therefore suggests that some organizations have deliberately chosen to pass on the “covid tax” to policyholders, even though its amount is lower than the savings achieved. “.
The termination reform must be able to benefit consumers
In view of this context, the termination reform (which entered into force on December 1, 2020) makes perfect sense. But according to UFC-Que Choisir, it is still necessary to be able to compare the offers. However, two-thirds of the complementary studies “continue to use percentages greater than 100% for dental or audiology guarantees, a source of confusion for policyholders, instead of expressing them in euros. Likewise, eleven organizations persist in not distinguishing their reimbursements from those of Social Security ”.
This is why the UFC-Que Choisir asks the government that the reform, which allows everyone to terminate their contract at any time, can fully benefit consumers. The association thus claims “d” regulate the comparability and readability of complementary insurance offers “,” ensure better transparency on management fees, with information on the ‘redistribution rate’ available on the complementary website, in addition to the documents already concerned by the publication of the ratios ” and ” to allow access to the contracts and rates of complementary without having to enter personal information (phone number, email, etc.) “.