We had almost forgotten them, yet they are back: the winter viruses are starting to go on the offensive. Thus, according to the latest data from Public Health France, the interventions of SOS Médecins for “ENT and respiratory pathologies“jumped 58% among children and 25% among 15-74 year olds between the end of the summer vacation and mid-September 2021.
“September is favorable for the circulation of seasonal respiratory viruses, specifies Sibylle Bernard-Stoecklin, epidemiologist at Public Health France, questioned by our colleagues from Parisian. This is particularly the case with rhinoviruses, responsible each year for an upsurge in colds, mild flu-like syndromes and nasopharyngitis.“
Under-training of the immune system that could promote viral infections
Problem: this year, winter viruses are likely to be more virulent. This is due to a lack of training in our immune system which, because of barrier gestures, hydroalcoholic gel, masks, social distancing … has not been able to develop enough defenses against microbes. “It is possible that this will lead to a more intense influenza epidemic.“estimates the epidemiologist.
Moreover, according to Public Health France, the “lack of immune training“babies could increase the virulence of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), thus causing a particularly aggressive epidemic of bronchiolitis this winter. The phenomenon has already been observed in Australia since this country of the southern hemisphere lived its traditional epidemic of bronchiolitis in July-August 2021. Caution (and barrier gestures) therefore remains in order to avoid viral infections …
- The Parisian, Thursday September 30, 2021
- Foundation for Medical Research (FRM)
- In vitro antiviral activity of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil – Applied Microbiology
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Public Health France
Read also :
- Living with open windows help in the fight against the coronavirus?
- Flu symptoms: how to recognize them?
- Flu: Should I be vaccinated or not?