We are talking about constipation when there has been no loose stool for three days. “Beyond that, we must act, because the risk of intestinal obstruction is real”, warns Raphaël Gruman dietician-nutritionist. An occasional slow transit can cause bloating, intestinal cramps, headaches, a dull complexion… In the long term, chronic constipation can have more serious consequences. “This can promote the development of colon cancer,” warns the dietitian.
What is a normal transit?
“A daily bowel movement – at least – is a sign of good health, underlines Hélène Comlan, naturopath. A person who eats three times a day and goes to the toilet three times a day is also quite is normal… The stools must be molded, that is to say neither too soft nor too dry like rabbit droppings.” If a slowing of transit can be caused by a one-time change in lifestyle (travel, etc.), chronic constipation must be given special attention. Its factors can be multiple and cumulative. “But in no case, it is a fatality” insists the naturopath.
Beware of strict diets
“Slimming diets that are too strict – like the high-protein diet – can cause constipation, notes Raphaël Gruman. Just like skipping a meal, or when the diet is too low in fat. Fat is life And that of a good transit too. Not all fats are assimilated by the body. Residual fats are found in the large intestine, lubricate the colon and support transit.”
His advice? Consume “good” fats, such as oils rich in omega-3 (rapeseed, flax, walnuts, etc.) and adopt almond or hazelnut purée for breakfast.
Our Experts:
- Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris and Deauville
- Hélène Comlan, naturopath in Montpellier, author of Naturopathy: 200 balanced recipes over the seasons (ed. Marie-Claire)