This gentle discipline stimulates the organs and functions of the body, and also acts on the emotions (always associated with organs in Chinese medicine). By helping the energy to flow harmoniously throughout the body along the meridians. An art long kept secret, qi gong brings together a mixture of codified postures and slow, ample and circular movements, all in fluidity but also in concentration and breathing, which aim to bring together the sky (and its yin energy) and the earth (yang).
What are the benefits? The body gains flexibility, muscles, tendons and ligaments are preserved and maintained by daily practice. More so, the qi gong does not seek the perfect gesture, aesthetics or performance. On the contrary, it helps to harmonize his body and his mind, in a moment of benevolence for oneself and awareness of his body. The muscles, the joints … are solicited but without pain. Even if the bodily sensations that appear (even tensions, for beginners) must be listened to.
A discipline accessible to all and all ages
Breathing, natural, never forced, is abdominal, ample and smooth. The sequences, kinds of choreography without moving, can be performed even to the layman and do not require any particular physical quality, except concentration.
If the Chinese practice qi gong every morning, often in parks, it is perfectly possible to take lessons to start. We already feel the benefits of doing two sessions per week: the body is released, softened, the mind is calmed and we control ourselves better, especially in case of stress. Several medical studies have proven the benefits of this practice on health, especially in seniors: more flexible arteries, reduced anxiety, improved memory and digestion …
Information at the Federation of Qigong Teachings, Energy Art, Tel. : 04 42 93 34 31 or
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