We have the impression of being in front of him, a glass in hand, at the end of the evening in front of the fireplace. In his book “Preventing cancer, it also depends on you” (ed. Odile Jacob), Prof. Khayat gives us his intimate conviction, the fruit of his years of experience, he sweeps away received ideas about cancer and its prevention. , he makes amends (yes, psychological factors can have a real influence on the occurrence of tumors), he tells us about his personal anti-cancer recipes, he also gives us hope.
“I have been fighting cancer for almost 35 years, patient after patient, it is a singular and terrible struggle. I have to live with all these ghosts from the past. The best way to cure cancer is to prevent it, explains Professor David Khayat. When you don’t have cancer, you avoid the suffering of treatment, you don’t enter this cruel and harsh world. To date, we have not invested enough in prevention. “
“More than 60% of cancers can be prevented by modifying one’s habits or environment. A little pollution, cigarette, food that is too rich or too salty, a little too much sun, a little too much stress, a little too much vitamin E, this cocktail or another, increases the risk of triggering cancer, recalls Professor Khayat. Thanks to small choices and simple actions, we can reduce this risk. Even some hereditary cancers can be prevented, Angelina Jolie is the perfect illustration. By having both breasts removed preventively, she escaped the genetic fate that was hers. We can’t help the 30% of hormone-related cancers, but screening or surveillance cancers (smears, mammography, monitoring of the prostate) allow them to be treated at an early stage and most often cured. “
Risks related to omega-3 or vitamin D
“I now think that omega-3s can be dangerous in humans,” explains Prof. Khayat. The Select study of 35,000 American volunteers between 2001 and 2004 showed that men who had high blood levels of omega-3 also had a higher risk of Prostate cancer in its most aggressive form. The increased risk appears significant, of the order of 70% for this most common cancer in humans! “
“In addition, a compilation of more than 1,200 articles over 40 years points in the same direction,” he continues. So is it really necessary to stuff yourself with omega-3s? In women, on the other hand, these substances do not have an annoying effect. Ditto for the vitamin D, it can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Men must therefore watch their intake. “
“I myself fell from the clouds by analyzing this study, specifies Professor Khayat. Erection stimulators act on genes predisposing to melanoma, through a kind of negative synergy. Here, however, it is an isolated study that needs confirmation. In the meantime, men can continue to take Viagra if needed, especially since it is well proven that love and ejaculation are good for reducing the risk of prostate cancer. “
Making love reduces the risk
Speaking of sexual activity, Prof. Khayat makes a distinction between love and masturbation: “In men, 5 ejaculations per week, 21 per month, reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 30 to 40%, but only if they are ejaculations by penetration and not by masturbation. Why ? Because the ejaculated volume is lower by masturbation, the “prostatic emptying” is therefore less complete. The polyamines or spermidine therefore accumulate more, which can promote the development of a tumor. In women, love is also good for reducing the risk of breast cancer. “
Adopt healthy lifestyle rules
Obviously stop smoking (30% of cancers affect the lung) and do not expose yourself too much to the sun (3% of the most aggressive cancers affect the skin). Engage in physical activity and regular sexuality, maintain a healthy weight. We can thus hope to reduce the risk of cancers of the breast, prostate, stomach, uterus, colon, pancreas, lung and this, in significant proportions (20 to 30% of cancers in less compared to sedentary). Have a high fiber diet and antioxidants, depending on the season.
Prof. David Khayat’s anti-cancer recipe
“Every day, I swallow a pill for breakfast that brings together the seven anti-cancer foods. As I am now convinced that stress and grief can be part of the cause of cancer, I seek a little serenity and happiness, details Professor Khayat. Every morning, I lie down on a mat on which I put an electric blanket. Using a relaxation technique close to yoga, I empty myself, I focus on my breathing, I breathe out as much as possible to slow my heart down. Then, I focus successively on each organ, I become my hand, my shoulder, my foot … and I try to relax each part. I cleared my mind, relaxed my body, five to ten minutes passed. I then bring happiness into me with happy, positive and reassuring images. I try to fill my mind with fragments of love with the people I love, the little things in life that feel good, like a delicious dish, a magic movie, a good book, a message from a friend, the smile of a patient. I make myself a shield, the day can begin. “
The Top 7 Anti-Cancer Ingredients
Nutrients. Selenium: 100 to 200 µg / day (in whole grains, fish, poultry, etc.); quercetin: every day by swallowing 5 fruits and vegetables.
The drinks. Pomegranate: a quarter of a liter per day; Green tea: 3 tea cups.
Food. Garlic: 20 g per week; turmeric: 6 g / day; broccoli: 2 to 3 times a week.
The recommended amount of these foods was established on the basis of current scientific data. It’s not easy to find them on your plate every day! But we can approach it. We should also soon find these 7 elements concentrated in a food supplement (Provital 7).
Read also :
Prostate cancer: stress is a trigger
500,000 cancers per year linked to overweight
Skin cancer
Cute cats to fight cancer