Not a step back but almost. Four days after dropping a bomb after the classification of the charcuterie and the red meat as carcinogens probable for humans, the World Health Organization (WHO) backpedals as a rule. Or rather, she thinks it is good to make a small update in the face of the outcry emanating in particular from meat producers around the world.
The WHO is now putting things into perspective by specifying that the study published in The Lancet Oncology should not lead to sulking red meat. “[L’étude] does not ask people to stop eating processed meat but indicates that reducing the consumption of these products can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, “WHO points out, quoted by AFP.
In other words, if the investigation by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the WHO, suggested that the diet rich in processed meat could be linked to 34,000 deaths per year, it does not there is no need to really worry.
The risk of harm your health by eating red meat remains weak and needs to be demonstrated more seriously. Sausage lovers can continue to indulge themselves.
A quantity of red meat to weigh
Experts “will begin to consider the public health implications of the latest advances in science and the place of processed meat and red meat in a healthy diet.” Objective: to determine from what quantity of red meat and / or deliyou are at risk of cancer.
The IARC on Monday classified processed meat, especially deli meats, in the category of “carcinogenic to humans”. Red meats – have been classified as “probably carcinogenic”. Based on 800 studies, IARC warned against regular consumption of red meat: 50 grams of processed meat consumed per day would increase the risk of colorectal cancer18%, concluded the IARC.
>> To read also: The salt of the deli meats would increase the risk of colon cancer
Common misconception: charcuterie gives buttons
And you, are you now wary of red meat? Comment on the forum.