February 14, 2007 – Gentle therapy could provide relief for people with irritable bowel syndrome. Just rest, take deep breaths and let go … in a guided hypnotherapy session.
For three months, 55 women and 20 men with irritable bowel syndrome underwent five to seven hypnotherapy sessions led by nurses specializing in gastrointestinal disorders.1. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh measured, using a questionnaire, the physical and psychological symptoms of the syndrome throughout the study, as well as the quality of life of patients.
At the end of the treatment period, patients saw improvement in their physical symptoms (abdominal pain and swelling) and in several aspects of their quality of life, most notably emotional problems and sleep disturbances. Hypnotherapy would also have had a positive effect against the anxiety of the patients.
Since there is currently no treatment of choice for the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, hypnotherapy could be an attractive alternative. However, the study does not allow to conclude how hypnotherapy would work to relieve symptoms.
Andrée-Anne Guénette – PasseportSanté.net
1 Smith, GD. Effect of nurse-led gut-directed hypnotherapy upon health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndromeJ Clin Nurs, 2006 Jun; 15 (6): 678-84.