Let’s face it, constipation is sometimes a real source of embarrassment. To relieve this condition naturally and without medication, we can trust the benefits of buckthorn which we use the dried bark. This laxative herb does not cause any irritation to the digestive system.
Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) is a small shrub from Asia and Europe. This plant can reach 5 to 6 m in height and is found in woods and humid areas. She wears flowers and fruits highly coveted by bees.
Also, the charred wood of this tree has long been used in the manufacture of gunpowder hence its nickname “Powder wood”. The therapeutic interest of buckthorn lies in the bark of the 3-year-old twigs. We then use the second bark of the stems, called ” bark of the interiorr ”.
The bark of this plant contains calcium, tannins, flavonoids and anthraquinones, including franguline and emodin. Frangulin, the active principle of this plant, is strongly laxative and prevents the absorption of water and mineral salts.
However, this substance is only present in the dried bark (for at least a year) of the plant because when fresh, it causes vomiting and diarrhea.
Laxative benefits of buckthorn
The bourdaine is a plant medicinal known for its action laxative and purgative. Buckthorn bark extracts are used in the therapeutic treatment of constipation. It works by stimulating bowel movements and hydrating the stool, thus facilitating their evacuation.
This bark very fine, cinnamon-colored inside contains anthracene derivatives which unblock the transit but do not cause irritation of the digestive system and do not present any risk of intolerance.
This powerful laxative cannot re-educate the transit but is used in priest brief in treatment of occasional constipation. Also, taken in decoction, it effectively treats the nausea, eliminates intestinal worms and treat them hemorrhoids.
The many health benefits of the plant
- Buckthorn is a remedy that promotes digestion and is used againstbiliary insufficiency.
- It is used locally to treat ringworm or scabies.
- It effectively treats nausea, eliminates intestinal worms and treats hemorrhoids.
- Buckthorn extracts exhibit properties softening, remineralizing and antiseptics.
- Buckthorn relieves cough fatty.
- In the garden, buckthorn repels insects.
- The buckthorn fights against herpes, sunburns and treats the diabetes.
- It plays a role in the prevention of cancer of the prostate and in maintaining its proper functioning.
- Buckthorn has virtues healing and helps to keep the figure.
- She treats them heartburn and changes the acidity of the body.
How to take advantage of the benefits of buckthorn?
The bark of buckthorn should be dried for at least 1 year, or even two, before consumption. Indeed, this practice is necessary because fresh, it causes nausea, vomiting or colic.
The effectiveness of this plant encourages short-term treatment against constipation. It is then recommended to opt for a cure of 8 to 10 days. Beyond that, there is a risk of causing irritation to the intestines.
Buckthorn is bought in pharmacy. It is presented and used in different ways:
- In infusion : infuse 2 g of crushed dried bark in 200 ml of boiling water for ten minutes and drink 1 cup of this preparation before bedtime for an effect the next morning.
- In use external, to calm cold sores, sores or hemorrhoids: dilute 1 teaspoon of mother tincture in 1 glass of water and apply with a compress.
- In mother tincture : take 20 drops, twice a day, on an empty stomach, against constipation or herpes. We find buckthorn in association with other plants such as senna, the mauve, tamarind, etc.
Contraindications and adverse effects
Buckthorn should not be used by people with medical conditions inflammatory colon, obstruction of the digestive tract, severe dehydration and abdominal pain.
It is also contraindicated in pregnant women, in breastfeeding women and in children under the age of twelve. Buckthorn should not be used at the same time as licorice and medicines containing the corticosteroids.
Prepare a buckthorn tea?
For a cup of buckthorn tea, use 2 g (2 teaspoons) of finely chopped dried bark and 20 cl of water.
- Heat the water to a boil then add this boiling water to the dried bark of buckthorn.
- Leave to infuse for 10 minutes (in order to obtain an effective dose of active substances).
- Drink a cup before bed.