Quiches, apple pie… These kitchen classics, in savory or sweet versions, delight our taste buds. But for our figure or our health, they are not all equal. Because the dough you use can make all the difference. There are three types: puff pastry, shortbread or shortbread.
Puff pastry: rather to avoid, at best favor homemade dough
There puff pastry consists of a good proportion of butter. “Fresh butter in a limited amount of about 10 g per day is an option as part of a balanced diet. It contains vitamin A, which is good for the eyes and the skin, as well as only essential vitamin D to fix calcium on the bones. The problem is that in 100 g of puff pastry, there are sometimes more than 10 g and if it is industrial, there “It’s not fresh quality butter. It contains a lot of so-called saturated fats. These are bad fats, or trans fatty acids, which are blamed for increasing cardiovascular risks, among other things.” warns Florence Foucaut, dietitian nutritionist. If we want to use it, we prefer it homemade. And in case of purchase in the supermarket, check for fats, hydrogenated oils, or additives. Choose it among those that include a maximum of “natural” ingredients. Ideally, it is better to avoid it if you pay attention to your line or your health.
Shortcrust pastry: too caloric
There shortcrust pastry or sweet is used for desserts. And pies in particular. This one is very caloric. It takes about 469 calories per 100g. “It contains a lot of butter and sugar, so again, it is not indicated if you care about your figure or your health”, continues the specialist.
Shortcrust pastry: the best for your health and your figure, especially if it’s homemade
Third possibility for a pie: the shortcrust pastry. On the composition side, it contains vitamin B, essential for our cells, our nervous and muscular system. It is much lower in fat than puff pastry. But still contains butter in varying amounts depending on the brand. “The ideal is to make it yourself at home. You can even freeze balls of dough to always have some on hand. If you reduce the quantities of butter, or we eliminate it, and replace the white flour with wholemeal flour, we can make a nutritionally interesting pie. It will be rich in fiber which satiates better and promotes intestinal transit. In addition, it will have a low glycemic index. This means that we will not be exposed to a risk of a sudden rise in glycemia (the level of sugar in the blood)”, recommends Florence Foucaut. It is therefore the one that appears to be the best for health and the line, especially if it is homemade.
If you happen to want to buy this type of product in supermarkets, pay attention to certain components! Avoid those that contain:
- corn starch,
- rice flour,
- vegetable fats (palm, rapeseed),
- vegetable fibers (chicory, potato, rice, peas, plantain, psyllium),
- pea flour,
- sugar,
- ethyl alcohol, salt, thickeners…
Careful reading of the labels will allow you to choose the best dough.