Alcohol, unbalanced diet, tobacco… By changing our bad habits, it is really possible to lower the risk of developing breast cancer.
- Only a small proportion of breast cancers (5 to 10%) are hereditary, that is to say attributable to a genetic mutation.
- Compared to other cancers, the chances of surviving breast cancer are high (90%).
Prevention is an effective way to reduce the risk of breast cancer occurring. In a report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the National Cancer Institute published in 2015, the two institutions point out that we can avoid 40% of cancers by modifying our everyday behavior.
Alcohol, obesity, tobacco
Based on the results of this study, it is possible to estimate, for the year 2018, the number of cases of breast cancer attributable to the following main risk factors:
– 8,700 cases attributable to alcohol consumption;
– 4,900 cases attributable to overweight or obesity;
– 2,600 cases attributable to tobacco consumption;
– 2,500 cases with an unbalanced diet;
– 1,700 cases of lack of physical activity in post-menopausal women.
That is about 20,000 breast cancers attributable to overweight, alcohol and tobacco consumption, an unbalanced diet and a lack of physical activity.
Focus on prevention
“Prevention is, with early detection, certainly one of the two major levers in the fight against breast cancer”, therefore insists the National Cancer Institute. Breast cancer remains the most common among women: each year, nearly 59,000 of them learn that they have developed the disease and more than 12,100 die of it.