But after a few years, it happens that its action wears off and the tumor begins to grow again. Some time ago alone chemotherapy could come to the rescue to stop the process. From now on, targeted therapies can be combined with hormone therapy to prolong its effectiveness, but also take over and at least delay the use of chemotherapy. Not devoid of side effects, these treatments are nevertheless better tolerated than standard chemo. And there are equivalent molecules for HER2 cancers (Kadcyla®) or linked to an abnormality of the BRCA genes. They prolong survival and the period of remission without progression of the disease.
The immune system is equipped to destroy cancer cells. But it doesn’t always work well, either because our natural defenses are weakened, or because the tumor is “stealthy” enough to escape them. Immunotherapy aims for the body to recognize and destroy cancer cells, by removing the mechanisms that lock it or by activating it directly.
Understanding how cancer cells managed to escape the immune system, the first three drugs came to the aid of patients who had not previously received effective treatment (melanoma cutaneous, lung cancer). Trials have shown a long respite in 15% of the most aggressive breast cancers. And that’s just the very beginning.
Supportive care is growing
Stopping the disease is very good, but the longer the lifespan, the more it becomes necessary to preserve its quality. Cancer centers are paying more and more attention to the well-being of patients, to their moral and physical support. “Nurses and doctors are more open to dialogue,” notes the Dr Nasrine Callet, gynecologist at the Institut Curie, in Paris. They more often approach the subject of sexuality and always offer the youngest to preserve their fertility. They also systematically offer the support of a psychologist or physiotherapist. They spend more time explaining the side effects of treatments and advise on ways to mitigate them, including recommending “complementary” approaches. “
Relaxation, hypnosis, sophrology, karate or qigong lessons, even make-up workshops, now have their place to help patients overcome illness and come to terms with their bodies.
Read also :
Female cancers: all the advances
Breast cancer: better targeted screening
Breast cancer: mammography does not prevent the most serious forms