The fourth pillar of care breast cancer, it’s’hormone therapy. In 70% of cases, the tumor is said to be hormone-dependent, that is to say it has receptors for hormones, estrogen and progesterone. However, these hormones act as a tumor growth factor. Antihormones taken for an average of 5 years can block this effect and reduce the risk of relapse. In lymph node involvement, or in other circumstances, treatment can be extended for up to 10 years.
Recently, new antihormonal drugs (anti-aromatases) have entered the market. More effective, they are however less well tolerated than the previous one (tamoxifen), causing arthralgia, muscle pain, osteoporosis … which leads some women to stop their treatment.
Several possible drugs
In order for the pain to be taken care of, we must talk about it. Medicines, such as anti-inflammatory drugs or simple pain relievers, can help. Physiotherapy, adapted physical activity and relaxation can bring real relief. A study published in early July even just showed that acupuncture sessions significantly reduce the pain associated with anti-aromatases.
“When the side effects cannot be controlled after two years, it is possible to change the treatment and switch to tamoxifen, which is better tolerated”, explains Prof. Jean-Pierre Spano, head of the medical oncology service, at Pitié-Salpêtrière (Paris).
“In premenopausal women, stopping menstruation with LH-RH agonists – which constitutes a form of transient chemical castration – may be considered”. And new antihormonal molecules are landing on the market, in particular those of the CDK 4/6 family. Their effectiveness is interesting, especially in women with metastatic cancer.
Supportive care also helps
So-called supportive care – which helps to get through the disease as well as possible – is essential. Cancer centers and specialized services are starting to create places dedicated to well-being to improve the quality of life of patients. “At Pitié-Salpêtrière, in the Oncology Institute, a space is dedicated to this supportive care. Women can enjoy relaxation, art therapy, sports activities, and have access to care. socio-aesthetic, to nutritionists, to test acupuncture, Chinese medicine … “, describes Pr Spano.
These treatments having a major impact on stress and anxiety, they help to better endure the treatments. Acupuncture also decreases nausea due to chemo. It has been shown that physical exercise and the fight against excess weight had a preventive effect on the risk of recurrence. Hence the interest of being supported by a nutritionist if necessary.
Read also :
Breast cancer with metastases cured by immunotherapy
Cancer: software that predicts the effectiveness of treatment