The first conclusions show that 60% of breast cancers, 44% of colon cancers and 47% of rectal cancers are diagnosed at an early stage in France and that this precocity is observed more in people under 75, according to the results of the report published by Santé Publique de France and the National Cancer Institute (INCa).
To establish these new figures, Public Health of France, the National Cancer Institute (INCa), the French Network of Cancer Registries (Francim network) and the Biostatistics Service of the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), analyzed the diagnoses cancers and their stage between 2009 and 2012.
“The objective of this indicator is to refine the prognostic data according to the extension of the disease and to have survival data by stage at diagnosis”, explains Santé Publique de France in a press release.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis
the breast cancer is the most common, with more than 59,000 new cases detected each year. With the lung cancerit remains one of the deadliest with 12,000 deaths per year.
The figures revealed that 6 out of 10 breast cancers are diagnosed at an early stage, 3 out of 10 at an intermediate stage and 1 out of 10 at an advanced stage.
Diagnosis of colon cancer
the colorectal cancer is the 2nd deadliest cancer. There are 45,000 new cases detected and 18,000 deaths each year.
The analysis showed that 44% of patients have cancer at an early stage and a third at an advanced stage. However, the distribution changes with age: cancers detected at an early stage are more frequent among 40-74 year olds (48%) while those at an advanced stage are more common among those under 40 (38%) and those over 74 (37%). These results are identical for each sex.
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