Omega 3 essential fatty acids are beneficial to the brain. They combine with B vitamins to fight mild cognitive decline.
Essential fatty acids to protect your brain. Omega-3s would have a beneficial effect on memory, cognition … A study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease indicates that they might even help fight cognitive decline. To reach these conclusions, the international team that signs the publication administered B vitamins or a placebo to 250 people with mild cognitive impairment.
The benefits of B vitamins on the brain are well recognized. Several studies have demonstrated its action against cerebral aging and memory decline. In this research, the team tested a hypothesis: omega 3s interact with these vitamins.
The theory has been fact-tested with two groups of elderly people with mild cognitive impairment. Some took vitamin D, others took a placebo. All of them have previously undergone a cognitive function assessment and a blood test. It measured the levels of two omega 3s found in fish oils: EPA and DHA.
In volunteers with very low omega-3 levels in the blood, vitamin D supplementation has no effect. But when these rates are still high, immediate verbal recall and general cognition improve. DHA appears to be particularly effective.
The next step will be to assess the impact of this “cocktail” on the transition from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease.