Researchers from the Pasteur Institute published a study about a new test to detect cervical cancer. Each year, 1,000 women die from this cancer. In question ? Too low a screening, around 60% according to the Haute Autorité de Santé.
The problem now is how to detect this cancer. There are two methods, the cytological examination, from a smear and an analysis of the cells of the cervix, but the interpretation of which lacks objectivity. And the HPV test which can detect the papillomavirus, sexually transmitted. It is often eliminated by the body, but can persist in some cases and become carcinogenic. The risk of this method? Over-diagnosis, because the virus is present in many women without necessarily being at risk.
A new, more efficient test
The HPV RNA-Seq, a new test proposed by researchers at the Institut Pasteur is: “a new type of molecular test that detects the presence of all high-risk HPV viruses and identifies precancerous markers. It has the sensitivity of the classic molecular test and associates with it a good predictive value of lesions, at least equivalent to that of cytology“according to Marc Eloit, who participated in the research.
The test was proven in a sample of 55 patients with low and high grade lesions. The researcher adds: “Compared to existing devices, this test reduces false positives and false negatives. It is easily automated, therefore easy to use, summarizes Marc Eloit. This is an encouraging first step in a new generation of testing, but it will not be accessible to the general public for several years.“
Read also:
Cervical cancer: the recommended HPV test for women over 30
In Britain, boys will be vaccinated against papillomavirus