Some weaning turns out to be complicated and there are times when you are on the verge of breaking down. Do not panic. There are tips to chase away these cravings.
You may have made good resolutions by quitting smoking, but the urge to touch up a cigarette can arise at any time of the day or sometimes at night. This is called the “craving“ that is to say, this drive that pursues you and makes you want to crack.
“There are two origins to these cravings. Either they are linked to a physical lack of nicotine. Because it takes between 6 to 8 weeks after stopping to no longer feel the need. Either they are linked to a so-called behavioral dependence. It is the gesture that we miss, a habit, the fact of touching the cigarette, of lighting it, of shooting it “, underlines Dr Christophe Cutarella.
In the first case, the lack of nicotine must be compensated for by all the substitutes sold on the market: chewing gums, patches, tablets. They can be prescribed as well by your attending physician as by a nurse, a physiotherapist, a dentist … And are covered by the Health Insurance.
In case of behavioral addiction, it is essential to keep in mind thatan urge to smoke passes after two or three minutes. So the whole difficulty is getting the idea of lighting one out of your mind. Not always easy, especially when you are subject to stress or nervousness. But rest assured, the less you smoke, the less you want to smoke, and these urges only last during the onset of weaning. After the first few weeks, things improve. Here are 10 tips to resist.
Also read:
- Stop smoking with hypnosis
- Stop smoking with sophrology: how does it work?
- Quitting smoking overnight: a good or bad idea?