An American woman, clinically dead for 45 minutes after a cardiac arrest, woke up when her daughter gave birth, in the same hospital and only a few rooms apart, to a baby girl.
- The grandmother suffered a cardiac arrest while accompanying her daughter about to give birth.
- She came back to life after 45 minutes of clinical death.
- Her daughter had to have an emergency caesarean section after 36 hours of labor to finally give birth to little Alora.
This is an incredible story that took place in a hospital in Baltimore (United States), at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, on July 2. It was there that, simultaneously, a woman woke up after being declared clinically dead for 45 minutes… at the very moment when, in the same hospital, her daughter gave birth to an emergency baby Alora.
No sequelae
It had all started a few hours earlier. Kathy Patten, an American grandmother of seven grandchildren, was playing golf. It was then that she received a phone call from her daughter, Stacey Fifer, telling her that she was about to give birth urgently. She rushed to the hospital to be at her daughter’s bedside. That’s when she started to feel sick. Asked by doctors to go to the emergency room of the medical center, Kathy Patten suffered a cardiac arrest, as reported by the local media WMAR.
The grandmother was then quickly transported to a room, only a few meters from the one where her daughter was… before being declared clinically dead. After 45 minutes, miraculously, she was eventually revived and woke up with no brain damage. She has since made a full recovery from that episode.
36 hours of work
Since then, Kathy Patten has applauded the work of the doctors and intends to take full advantage of her new little girl and of life. “I’m so grateful that God gave me a second chanceshe said. I’m just gonna be the best person I can be. It’s very scary, coming back is a second chance at life.”
A few meters away, the delivery of her daughter, Stacey Fifer, was not easy. After 36 hours of labor, she was forced to have a caesarean section. “It was fate that my mother was meant to be hereshe said. It was finally thanks to Alora that my mother was in the right place at the right time..”