Testimonials from hospital staff continue to accumulate on Twitter. For the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, it is a “light on the dysfunctions”. Measures to reform the hospital are said to be in preparation.
“A light on the dysfunctions”, the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, commented this morning on RTL on the hashtag #balancetonhosto. For the past two weeks, tweets from health workers have invaded the social network Twitter. Nursing staff denounce the absurdities they see in their services and structures.
The Minister of Health, however, clarified that it was necessary to put things into perspective: “there are also new hospitals, and these are not shown”. Hospital structures are checked for the issue of their certification every four years.
Thoughts on hospital reform in February
A global reflection on the hospital and on how to reform it will be launched in February. This is what the Minister of Health announced, with as main points: “the added value of the hospital on our health system and on the pricing method which today pushes for an activity without quality”. This reform will be carried out after consultations with the various players.
On Thursday, the Minister of Health affirmed that an additional 50 million euros will be released for accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) who suffer from a lack of means.
Everyday absurdities
The testimonies accumulated on Twitter tell of the absurdities, the problems of equipment, of personnel within the hospital. Among the messages, some point to technical failures. As for example, these corridors too narrow to pass two wheelchairs, or the presence of a mouse in a room of the hospital.
“You have to call on a team from the SMUR (truck, etc.) to transfer a patient from one department to another, in the same hospital, because the two buildings are not connected even though they are 20 meters from each other! Tweets like this are raining down on the Internet. For the past two weeks, the hashtag #balancetonhosto has invaded the social network Twitter. The nursing staff denounce the absurdities of all kinds that they observe in their department and hospital. He’s a hospital doctor, youtubeur: he runs a medical popularization chain, who started the movement. François, called Primus Non Nocere on social networks, explained his initiative to France Info: “I had to come across something absurd at work, and instead of raging in my corner, I said to myself that I was going to share it on Twitter, on the tone of humor. “
From humor to difficult working conditions
Since then, dozens of testimonies have followed. They tell of the absurdities of everyday life, the problems of material, personnel, resources. Above all, they denounce the working conditions which are sometimes very difficult, even toxic. A tweet explains how a colleague was congratulated by an executive for her record efficiency: “Well done, you managed to make 15 dressings in 1 hour, that’s good! “… for the poor sick.
For several weeks, emergency services have been on strike for lack of resources and staff. On January 15, a column was published in The world by 1000 hospital doctors and health executives with the aim of denouncing the “new cure of budgetary rigor” which weighs on hospitals. The national debate takes place in 2.0.
For tweet lovers, here are the links to insert them: