The start of the 2020 school year will take place on Tuesday, September 1 and 12.4 million students will return to school benches under very specific conditions. During a press conference held on Wednesday, August 27, the Minister of Education, Michel Blanquer announced the school health protocol to be observed in order to fight the coronavirus crisis.
What you must remember
During the press conference, Michel Blanquer insisted on the fact that the return to school will be compulsory (except rare exceptions justified by a doctor). He mentioned the main measures of the health protocol put in place for the start of the 2020 school year. Here is what to remember.
Wearing the mask
The health protocol provides for the systematic wearing of a mask from the age of 11. All college and high school students will therefore have to wear a mask on a continual basis and not only when social distancing cannot be respected. Indeed, the measure provides for the obligation of the mask even in closed and outdoor spaces such as playgrounds.
The sanitary protocol nevertheless makes a few exceptions: ” wearing a mask is not compulsory when it is incompatible with the activity (eating a meal, night in boarding school, sports, etc. […] In these situations, particular attention is paid to limiting mixing and / or respecting distancing.“
As for adults, all teachers (including those working in kindergarten) will also have to wear a protective mask to fight against Covid-19.
Cleaning and disinfection
The sanitary protocol provides for daily cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment. Floors, tables, desks, doorknobs and other surfaces frequently touched by students should therefore be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day.
Reopening of canteens
The Minister of Education also mentioned the reopening of school canteens. In the same way as for the other surfaces, the tables of the refectory must be cleaned and disinfected after each service.
Hand washing
As required by the barrier gestures, the students will have to wash their hands in order to protect themselves from the risk of infection from the coronavirus. The protocol states that ” Hand washing must be carried out on arrival in the establishment, before each meal, after going to the toilet, in the evening before returning home or upon arrival at home “.
Testing and screening
In the event that a student or member of educational staff exhibits symptoms of Covid-19, tests will be performed. During the press conference, Jean-Michel Blanquer explains that this would make it possible to “go up the chain of contamination to take isolation measures. […] Our goal is to be able to respond within 48 hours whenever symptoms are reported “. To which he adds ” Schools may be closed from one day to the next if necessary “.