The National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) wants to strengthen the pharmacist’s advisory role for the use of medicines containing paracetamol and certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and aspirin). This is why, as of January 15, you will have to ask your pharmacist for these painkillers because you will no longer find them freely available.
Avoid overdoses
The ANSM thus hopes to make patients understand that these drugs are not harmless and that if you take too much, you risk health problems.
“These drugs are safe and effective when used correctly, but present risks when used improperly “underlines the ANSM in his press release.
Paracetamol can cause serious damage to the liver in some cases of overdose, which can lead to liver transplants (the leading cause of drug-induced liver transplant in France). NSAIDs are likely to cause renal complications and serious infectious complications and are toxic to the fetus in the event of exposure from the start of the 6th month of pregnancy (beyond 24 amenorrhea weeks).
While the first viruses are arriving, the ANSM recalls that in the event of pain or fever:
- Always favor the use of paracetamol and never exceed the dose of 3 g per day.
- Avoid NSAIDs in case of chickenpox.
- In the absence of a prescription, the maximum recommended duration of treatment is 3 days in the event of fever and 5 days in the event of pain (beyond that, consult a doctor).
Read also :
- Painkillers don’t work if you don’t get enough sleep
- Chronic pain: 7 gentle methods
- A new reason to avoid paracetamol during pregnancy