The reimbursement of incontinence products in the Netherlands is well organized, but there are differences per health insurance. Whatever health insurance you have, you always decide which product you want to use. Even if your healthcare provider proposes a different brand.
Incontinence products are reimbursed under certain conditions
Incontinence products are reimbursed from the basic health insurance. Every health insurer has drawn up its own conditions. In order to be eligible for reimbursement, you must meet certain conditions. In general, the incontinence should not be temporary. An example: urine loss during or after a pregnancy is usually temporary, and products are usually not reimbursed. While urine leakage due to a neurological disorder, certain drug use or other cause can last longer. Your doctor or doctor will determine whether you have temporary or long-term incontinence. Incontinence products can then be obtained from a healthcare provider with a referral.
Who supplies incontinence products that are reimbursed?
Your health insurer has made agreements with care providers for incontinence products. This could be your own pharmacy or medical specialty store, for example. However, that is not necessary. Your health insurer may also have made agreements with an online healthcare provider or a healthcare provider that is a little further away from you.
In general, the number of contracted care providers depends on the type of insurance you have. The budget policy offers the least choice of healthcare providers, with a reimbursement policy you can choose a healthcare provider yourself. on you can compare the reimbursements for incontinence products from different health insurers.
You have freedom of choice in case of urine loss!
Whichever health insurance you have, you always decide yourself which product you want to use for your urine loss; even if your healthcare provider proposes a different brand. That is why it is wise to orientate yourself well on the incontinence products that are available and to choose another care provider if necessary. Depending on your health insurance, this may affect the amount of the reimbursement you receive from your health insurer. It is always advisable to contact your own health insurer in advance.
Would you like more information about the reimbursement of incontinence products? on you will find the answers to many questions about reimbursement and the choice of incontinence products.