Handy for the home, disinfectant and cleaning sprays can be harmful to humans. They harm our respiratory health, according to Inserm (national institute of health and medical research), taken up by France info. Exposure by inhalation to the chemical components contained in these vaporizers would be responsible for the appearance ofasthma or its aggravation. It suffices to use at least two sprays per week to increase respiratory symptoms and asthma, warns Inserm. To prevent the risks, the health agency recommends limiting the use of cleaning sprays at home.
The importance of cleaning indoor air
The indoor air pollutionis a public health problem to which the French are still little aware. However, the spaces in which we spend 80% of our time (housing, workplaces, schools, shops, transport…) are affected by indoor pollution, according to the Ministry of Health. Indoor air quality can be affected by tobacco smoke, asbestos, dust mite, animal or mold allergens. The health consequences are more or less serious, ranging from a simple allergy to certain cancers such as lung cancer in the case ofasbestosand some tobacco smoke.
The site Préventionmaison.fr of the Inpes (national institute of prevention and education for health) provides advice for purify indoor airin her house. Regarding cleaning activities, it is advisable, for example, to limit the quantities used, to ventilate the cleaned rooms as much as possible and to treat the plants outside in order to avoid the spread of pesticides.
>> To read also: Well-being: indoor air without microbes
Asthma: children exposed to too many pollutants in the classroom