Video of Should I Answer for Android
We all suffer from it from time to time. Unwanted, unsolicited and unknown calls. Should I record or not? The Should I Answer app will help you make this choice.
The app protects you from all unwanted phone calls that arrive on your smartphone. The unknown numbers are reviews from users who have experienced this as undesirable. Such a review can be done anonymously and ends up in the app’s database.
If you download Should I Answer to your mobile phone from Google Play (free) or App Store ($1.99 per month), the app will ask if they can access your contacts. You need to give the app access to this so that they can distinguish between your private contacts and new incoming calls. Your private numbers are safe, the app only stores the new incoming phone numbers. When you receive a call, the app immediately opens a window that shows you whether the number is reliable or not. The choice is always yours whether you want to record or not.
Every day, the app warns 4,000,000 phone numbers and blocks 200,000. The Should I Answer design is friendly to use and you don’t need an internet connection for this app to work. The reviews are also positive. 247,191 people cast their votes and a total of 4.8 out of 5 stars were chosen.
Should I Answer is available for apple and android through App Store and Google Play.