If you decide to quit smoking, using the Tabac info service telephone system can really help you.
- In France today, more than 25% of 18-75 year-olds still smoke daily, thereby putting their health at risk.
- After a new assessment, Santé Publique France believes that the Tabac info service telephone service makes it easier to overcome this addiction.
- “This service, which is virtually free, must continue to be promoted to the most disadvantaged, with a view to reducing social inequalities linked to smoking,” the health agency believes.
According to a new survey by Public Health France, Tabac info service makes it easier to quit smoking.
Managed by Public Health France, the Tobacco Info Service (TIS, 39 89) telephone system was created in 1998.
“A first evaluation of its effects on smoking abstinence was carried out over the period 2012-2014. The aim of this article is to update this evaluation over the period 2018-2020”, indicates Public Health France in a press release.
Quitting smoking: how to been evaluated Tobacco information service?
Let’s start with the survey methodology. Between 2018 and 2020, 45,803 smokers were in contact with a tobacco specialist from 39 89. Among those who agreed to be called back six months later (86.5%), more than one in five (22.2%) declared themselves to be non-smokers for at least 7 days at the time of the call back (people who could not be reached or those who refused to answer the questions are considered smokers, Editor’s note).
The abstinence rate reached 32.2% among smokers who were already trying to quit smoking at the time of their first call and 17% among other smokers. These rates were stable compared to the period 2012-2014.
The probability of being a non-smoker at six months was lower among women, the most dependent smokers, those with another addiction or health problem and the unemployed. Conversely, it was higher among those who declared themselves already trying to quit at the first call or who had set a quit date, vapers or those who had benefited from a greater number of follow-up interviews.
“These results suggest that the TIS telephone device is an effective aid for some smokers, in line with numerous studies conducted internationally,” summarizes Public Health France. “This service, which is virtually free, must continue to be promoted to the most disadvantaged with a view to reducing social inequalities linked to smoking,” estimates the health agency.
What diseases are caused by tobacco?
In France today, more than 25% of 18-75 year-olds still smoke daily, with tobacco consumption still being the leading cause of preventable death (75,000 deaths each year).
Tobacco can in fact cause cancers, cardiovascular diseases (strokes, heart attacks) and COPD (or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).Other pathologies are linked to or aggravated by smoking, namely: erectile dysfunction, gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, type II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, ENT (ear-nose-throat) or dental infections, cataracts, AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) and periodontitis”, concludes Public Health France.