Doctors and internal anesthetists filed a strike notice this Friday to protest against the reform of the 3rd cycle of medical studies.
The anesthetists-resuscitators and hepato-gastroenterologists are on strike from this Friday, March 31. The goal of this mobilization of at least 24 hours is to safeguard the quality of their training, they hammer home the image of the National Union of Young Anesthesiologists-Resuscitators (SNJAR). Representatives of the profession estimate that “between 90 and 100% of anesthetists will be on strike”.
This movement is, according to them, the result of the absence of dialogue concerning the reform of the third cycle of medical studies currently being negotiated with several ministries. This course is more commonly called “the internship”, a period of several years during which the student is trained during internships in medicine.
During the last discussions, the authorities announced for 2017 the opening of 469 intern positions in anesthesia-resuscitation. They also plan to train 97 medical resuscitators. A number “too high”, believe the unions (SNPHAR-e, Smarnu, SNJAR, Snarf). They point out that unlike the specialty of anesthesia-resuscitation, medical resuscitation is an additional two-year training course followed by specialist physicians. “In four or five years if this continues, we will be confined to the operating room for anesthesia and will lose our skills in resuscitation for the benefit of medical resuscitators, fears Franck Verdonk, president of SNJAR questioned on Europe1 “.
A broader strike in April?
But other specialties such as cardiology, ophthalmology, nephrology, or radiology are also concerned and could soon join the movement. Especially since the first concerned, the interns, also denounce the lack of consultation in the overhaul of the models of the third cycle of medical studies. Many say they oppose the dismantling of their specialty under the pretext of standardizing the courses.
And these future practitioners have increased the pressure on the government through the voice of the first union of young doctors. In a press release, the’InterSyndicat National des Internes (ISNI) writes indeed no longer exclude “an indefinite strike, global and national, in April, if the discussions on the reform of the third cycle endanger the condition of future interns”. A serious threat since it is these medical students who allow French hospitals to function properly.
Doctors support young people
By the way, these future doctors have just received weight support on Thursday. Yesterday, the CSMF (1), the first union of liberal doctors, called on the Minister of Health and the Minister of Higher Education and Research to reopen and broaden discussions with all stakeholders to reach a consensus
“It is essential to guarantee a level of competence and a homogeneous quality of care for all the specialties on the whole territory, while reinforcing the attractiveness of medical careers among the younger generations. The stake is essential for the future of medicine in our country ”, concluded Dr. Jean-Paul Ortiz, President of the Confederation.
(1) Confederation of French Medical Syndicates.