This weekend, the city of Lyon is experiencing a significant spike in ragweed pollen. The National Aerobiological Surveillance Network advises allergy sufferers not to go out in the morning.
Be careful if you go to Lyon or the region this weekend. Indeed, a significant peak of ragweed pollen is arriving in the city, about a week ahead of last year. After several days of rain and then of drought, the flowers opened earlier in the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region. At the start of the month, the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) already announced “a first significant pollination period for ragweed from August 4 to 7 for the Lyon region”.
According to a newsletter of the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA), the level of vigilance is 3/5 in the Lyon metropolitan area. The pollen concentration is even higher in the Rhône valley, in particular in the south of Lyon to Montélimar, where the vigilance index is 4/5.
RSNA recommends avoiding going out in the morning
The network warns about the risk of moving in these regions. He advises allergy sufferers not to go out in the morning, the time of day when flowers open and the air is most concentrated in pollen.
The RNSA also invites anyone who detects ragweed plants to report it via the Ragweed Signaling application, by email ( or by phone at the following number: 0972376888.
Now banned for sale in France, ragweed is an herbaceous plant, which can trigger serious allergies. It is a kind of weed, which grows everywhere. When its flowers develop in summer, they release thousands of grains of pollen. And this can lead to conjunctivitis, rhinitis, or even asthma attacks. It is estimated that 1.2 million French people are allergic to this plant.