“For more than ten years, France has been the subject of debates about aluminum safety used as an adjuvant in most vaccines in all countries of the world for over sixty years. “This is how the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) introduced its report, requested by the General Directorate of Health , entitled “Aluminum and vaccine”.
The conclusions of this sixty-page analysis are clear: “The HCSP considers that the scientific data available to date do not allow the safety of vaccines containing aluminum to be called into question, with regard to their benefit / risk balance. . ” The 11 experts of the HCSP cut short the debate, relaunched in March 2012 by the deputies of the study group on vaccination at the National Assembly, by explicitly recommending the continuation of vaccinations according to the current schedule and by encouraging “the continuation of research aimed at evaluating the safety of available adjuvants and in development. “
Indeed, aluminum is an essential element in the vaccination process because it allows to strengthen the immune reaction of the human organism. It is currently used in the dTP (dyphteria-tetanus-polio) vaccine, the hepatitis A and B vaccine, and the papillomavirus vaccine. The government intends to take all the necessary measures to ensure that there are no harmful consequences caused by the presence of aluminum in vaccines. The Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, made grant to the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines a specific allocation for a new study on this subject.