He would have convinced a man suffering from cancer to treat himself with juice cures, fasts and inhalations of essential oils.
- A man posing as a naturopath was arrested in Paris on June 3, 2020.
- He would have convinced a man suffering from testicular cancer to treat himself with fruit juices, fasting sessions and essential oils.
- The Paris public prosecutor’s office is examining possible legal remedies for this case.
A man claiming to be a naturopath was arrested on Wednesday June 3 in Paris. He is suspected of having convinced a 40-year-old to treat his cancer using alternative techniques rather than follow his medical treatment. He died in December 2018.
Since the beginning of 2019, the health group of the brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP) has been investigating this case. The suspected man was taken into custody for manslaughter, illegal practice of medicine and abuse of weakness, reports 20 minutes.
Gradual worsening of the cancer
The “naturopath” met his “patient” in March 2017. The latter suffered from testicular cancer. According to his widow, the man would have convinced him to refuse the removal of his testicle and to follow cures of fruit juice, to fast and to use essential oils. Soon after, the cancer metastasized, which means other tumors were created in other parts of the body. In the case of this patient, the metastases appeared in the lungs and the brain. The deceased’s wife claims that the man reportedly said that “alternative” techniques were more effective than chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The “patient” continued to follow these recommendations, even in the terminal phase.
Possible gifts in compensation
The man now disputes having promised healing to his “patient”, as he denies having encouraged him to avoid medical treatment. In total, he had about 150 “patients”: the consultations cost them between 60 and 100€, or were remunerated by gifts. According to 20 minutesthe investigation is closed and the prosecution is studying the possible legal consequences for this case.
A naturopath sentenced in Germany
In September 2019, a Dutch naturopath, Klaus Ross, was sued in a similar case. Based in Germany, he claimed to cure cancer with an all-natural treatment. Three people died a few days after receiving the injection. He also offered high-dose vitamin C infusions, acupuncture and self-vaccines. The man was given a two-year suspended prison sentence.