In several regions such as the North West and the South, the risk of allergy will be very high for several weeks.
Allergics know it, pollens do not bridge the gap! Currently present throughout the country, grass pollens will cause a very high risk of allergy for several weeks. The South and the West are particularly affected. In all, 28 departments are on red alert: Loire Atlantique, Maine et Loire, Vendée, Deux Sèvres, Vienne, Charente Maritime, Dordogne, Lot et Garonne, Landes, Pyrénées Atlantique, Gers, Hautes Pyrénées, Tarn et Garonne, Haute Garonne, Tarn, Ariège, Aveyron, Aude, Eastern Pyrenees, Lozère, Ardèche, Rhône, Ain, Isère, Drôme, Vaucluse, Hautes-Alpes and Alpes de Haute Provence.
The summer high pressure conditions prevailing in France favor the dispersion of pollens in the air and only the thunderstorm rains will bring a little respite to allergic people next week, specifies the National Aerobiological Monitoring Network (RNSA) in its last allergo-pollen bulletin (follow the link to discover the allergic risks department by department).
“Conjunctivitis and rhinitis will be intense in people with allergies who must follow their treatment or consult their doctor”, recommends the association.
The RNSA also specifies that the poplar fluff, these little white fluff that forms cottony clouds and that you have probably noticed in recent days, are flying in large quantities throughout the territory at the moment. “These wads of hair, which are irritating in nature, do not cause respiratory allergy”, describes the association.
As for oaks and olive trees, in the south of France, the level of risk remains average.
Sorrel is present throughout France with a very low risk and plantain pollen will be mainly in the South. It is possible that some cities will experience a few spikes in pollution that will exacerbate the symptoms of grasses.