The benefits of physical and cognitive activity thanks to the X Torp game are the subject of a study carried out within the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute.
Making patients play a naval battle to fight against the effects of Alzheimer’s disease is the bet attempted by the start-up Genious Healthcare with its therapeutic game. “X Torp” is a digital naval battle in which the patient, facing a screen representing a submarine surrounded by enemies, performs the gestures of the arms and legs that allow the virtual submarine to escape! He thus engages in a physical activity at the same time as a cognitive activity.
Produced with the Nice University Hospital, this therapeutic game has already obtained very promising results during an initial evaluation, the results of which were published in 2015 in the Journal of Alzheimer Disease. It is currently the subject of a medico-economic evaluation study within the ICM and in 17 other centers in France.
Gaming expertise and clinical expertise
“Genious Healthcare and the ICM have been working together since 2013 to create digital brain stimulation solutions that help support Alzheimer’s patients at home; we bring our expertise to the game, the ICM brings its clinical expertise”, explains Agnès Aubert, e-health project manager within the start-up.
The long-term study conducted at the ICM involves 178 patients. “It is important to know patients’ needs as closely as possible in order to create tailor-made and personalized tools,” emphasizes Agnès Aubert.