In recent weeks, the United States has been facing an epidemic of serious lung diseases caused by electronic cigarettes. But the number of patients should continue to increase if a new study from New York University is to be believed. Academics have discovered that the smoke inhaled with an electronic cigarette can cause bladder or lung cancer.
The development of adenocarcinoma
To reach their conclusions, the researchers exposed around 40 mice in the lab to e-cigarette smoke containing nicotine for a year. The results, published in thea PNAS review, show that one in 4 mice developed adenocarcinoma of the lung and that one in 2 developed bladder hyperplasia (a pre-cancerous tumor). While the mice which breathed filtered air hardly developed these tumors.
“While it is well established that tobacco smoke poses a considerable threat to human health, it is not yet known whether electronic cigarettes also constitute a threat, but a thorough investigation is required”, the researchers stressed.
Note that in the United States, the State of Massachussets has just banned the use of electronic cigarettes, pending re-insurance from the health authorities.
Read also :
- Electronic cigarette: some aromas more dangerous than others
- The electronic cigarette, the first smoking cessation tool
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