Gentlemen watch your waist size. If you gain 10 centimeters in circumference, you increase the risk of catching a Prostate cancer. The most vulnerable men, according to the researchers at Oxford, are those whose waist circumference exceeds 94 centimeters. For women, the health risk occurs above 80 centimeters in the waistline.
The British study will be presented at the European Summit Against Obesity in Gothenburg, Sweden, June 1-4.
140,000 Europeans from eight different countries with an average age of 52 took part in this survey. The cohort was followed for 14 years. In all 7000 cases of prostate cancer were counted and for 934 of the volunteers the disease was fatal.
Research suggests that a high Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference both worsen the risk factor for aggressive prostate cancer.
Losing belly fat to reduce cancer risk
“Men who have increased fat have a high risk of aggressive prostate cancer and disease-related death,” summarizes Dr. Aurora Perez-Cornago, co-author of the study. She advises men to watch and maintain their weight and if possible to lose weight in the stomach. A valid recommendation to limit the risk of cancer in general, and not just that of the prostate.
Read also: After prostate cancer, survival depends on the location of the metastases
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