Known for decrease the risk of diabetes and breast cancer as well as lower cholesterol, walnuts have just been given a new virtue by Dutch researchers at the University of Maastricht. According to them, eating half a handful of nuts each day would reduce the risk of premature death (that is, within 10 years) by 23%. To benefit from these virtues, it is enough to eat 10 g of walnuts each day.
To reach this conclusion, the Dutch researchers studied the medical records of 120,000 people aged 55 to 69 and followed them for 10 years, from 1986 to 1996. In addition to this globally reduced risk of all-cause mortality, the Maastricht University research team found that the risk of neurodegenerative disease was reduced by 45%, the risk of respiratory disease reduced by 39% and the risk of diabetes reduced by 30%.
But their study also found that higher nut consumption was associated with higher fruit and vegetable consumption, higher education levels, and, in women, no smoking and a higher index. of lower body mass, in short to an overall healthier lifestyle.
How to choose your nuts?
When you stir the shell, you should not hear the fruit moving, otherwise, it means it is dried out. Also, be sure to choose shells that do not have any stains or holes. Dry nuts keep longer in ambient air.
Read also :
5 good reasons to eat more nuts
Eating nuts would help fight breast cancer